Search Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Where the mind goes the perso… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Let each of you esteem and lo… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Don’t let your feelings be a … Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Love Yourself Today: “Lord, I… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Some things you go through in… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“You can either be pitiful, or… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“The biggest black eye that yo… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Here’s one of my favorite sta… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“For we know Him Who said, Ven… Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“Keep on asking and it will be… What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes