Joyce Meyer Quotes

Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“You can gain or buy friends b…

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“You can gain or buy friends by letting them control you, but you will have to keep them the same way you got them. After allowing them to control you to keep their friendship for a while, you will eventually get tired of having no freedom. Being lonely is actually better than being manipulated and controlled. When you enter into a new relationship, be careful how you get started. What you allow in the beginning will come to be expected throughout your association with that person. The behavior you tolerate at the start of a relationship should be behavior you can be happy with permanently. Let people know by your actions that even though you would like their approval, you can live without it. Respect others, and let them know you expect them to respect you, too.” 

-Joyce Meyer, The Approval Fix: How to Break Free from People Pleasing

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